Honor 8C Price in India Cut in Limited Period Offer on Amazon ... Huawei sub-brand Honor has announced a price cut and listed offers on its Honor 8C smartphone - all part of a limited period offer by the company. For now, no end date to this offer was announced. Sold exclusively on Amazon India, the smartphone was first launched in India in November last year. The smartphone has been launched in two RAM + storage options, but only one of the variants has received a price cut for the offer in India. The phone is listed on the Amazon.in site in Black and Blue colour options. Key features include display notch, rear fingerprint sensor, dual camera setup, Snapdragon 632 SoC, and a 4,000mAh battery. Honor 8C ₹ 10,999 is listed on Amazon.in starting at Rs. 10,999 for the 4GB RAM + 42GB storage option and Rs. 12,999 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage model. This means that the 32GB storage model has received a price cut of Rs. 1,000, while the 64GB model retails at it...